Case Studies
Performance Characterization Of Air Breathing Engine

Our customer in Republic of Korea is engaged with conceptual design and development of supersonic air breathing engine. The engine is based on mixed-compression air intake, subsonic combustor, fuel injection system and a nozzle. A mathematical model was desired to be developed for estimating and understanding its working over its flight envelope. The development of such multi component mathematical model required a multi-disciplinary group with deep expertise in development of numerical simulation tools.
Our customer in Republic of Korea is engaged with conceptual design and development of supersonic air breathing engine. The engine is based on mixed-compression air intake, subsonic combustor, fuel injection system and a nozzle. A mathematical model was desired to be developed for estimating and understanding its working over its flight envelope. The development of such multi component mathematical model required a multi-disciplinary group with deep expertise in development of numerical simulation tools.
Customer was provided with a well-documented integrated framework, its validation studies and analysis report. The framework was further used by customer to devise control strategies for this engine. Through this engagement with Zeus Numerix, customer overcame the critical constraint on availability of research and development resources with expertise in development and usage of numerical methods.