Case Studies

Case Studies
Case Studies
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Prediction Of Turbulence Induced By Air Jet From Perforated Tiles In Data Centers
The data centre AC cooling system used cool air jets ejected through perforated tiles on the floor...

Cloud Application For Mold Filling Simulation
CFD based simulations take significant computing resources, it was decided to develop an on-demand c...

Software For Simulating Flow Over Urban Environment
The application was intended to handle large datasets as input and includes a flow solver and visual...

Development Of Cae Software On Grid Computing Framework
High frequency Radar Cross Section (RCS) simulations require generation of large mesh....

Climatological Spatial Data Mapping Using Machine Learning
Machine-Learning algorithms such as Support Vector Regression, Random-Forrest, Decision-trees, Recur...

Demonstration Of Machine Learning For Sea Asset Identification
Target recognition and tracking is done using feature extraction and selection: the extraction of a ...

Web Portal For Storage Display And Analysis Of Clean Air Data
Our Cutomer decided to use web-based portal for the input and visualization of data with hierarchica...

Design And Development Of Micro-controller For Probe Deployment In Space
For in-flight deployment, a servo motor-based system was required to ensure smooth and controlled in...

Shock And Vibration Analysis For Certification Of Electronic Equipment
Certification studies for covering (a) functional analysis for random vibration in 3 directions (b) ...

Development Of Altitude Hold Controller For Airship
Development of a control algorithm and its testing on an available scaled down version of airship...

Performance Characterization Of Air Breathing Engine
The engine is based on mixed-compression air intake, subsonic combustor, fuel injection system and a...

Software For Design Sizing And Performance Estimation Of Axial Piston Pumps
Design and development of a swash-plate type axial piston pump...

Development Of A Custom 3-d Visualization Tool For Metal Casting Analysis
The visualization module was needed to be fast and accurate for enabling a high quality analysis exp...

Development Of Tensor Visualization Software
Tensors fields are generated in a broad range of areas like medical imaging, material sciences, elec...

Software Development For Visualization Of Ocean Related Meteorological Data
Numerical weather modelling and forecasting using high performance computing infrastructure...

Guided Missile Configuration Design Using Cfdexpert-missile
The design of an agile guided missile is a delicate balance between aerodynamic stability and contro...

Supply Of Extended Thickness Measurement Software Module
Thickness Measurement Software, TMS in short, that assists surveyors in verifying the compliances of...

Development Of A Doubly Curved Antenna Surface
Specialized antenna, their shape is in form of doubly curved surfaces using complex mathematical alg...

Structural Analysis Of Sugar Dryer Assembly
Finite element analysis was carried out in ANSYS for the leaf spring, bottom plate and flange....

Structural Analysis Of Lru Attachments On Military Helicopter
FEM analysis in Ansys Mechanical against inertial loads in all the six directions. Modal Analysis wa...

Impact Of Test Environment On Air Delivery Of Ceiling Fan
Developing energy efficient ceiling fans, i.e. high air delivery at low power consumption...

Estimation Of Flow Characteristics For A Marine Propeller
Redesign of marine propeller for increase in performance for high end turbo-machinery simulations....

Assessment Of Store Separation Under Wind Gust Conditions
Wind gust at high altitudes poses risk to airborne system due to uncertain store movement....

Simulation Of Balloting And Sensitivity Analysis Of Fsapds Ammunition
Fin Stabilized Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot (FSAPDS) kinetic energy ammunition...

Heat Flux Analysis Of Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle
CFD study was done for the cruise vehicle for the high altitude case._x005F_x0002_...

Aerodynamic Analysis Of Sensor Installation On Interface Beam
The externally mounted sensors are exposed to airflow and with its close proximity to the missile an...

Design And Fabrication Of Deployable Boom
To conduct high altitude balloon experiment for measurements of electric and magnetic field....

Design Development And Supply Of Thrust Cradle For Testing Ic Engine Of Airship
The thrust cradle should be able to do ground testing, performance evaluation and measurements...

Design And Development Of Supersonic Rocket Sled
The lab uses a rocket launched rail track facility to do high speed measurements on various payloads...

Customized Analysis Software For Muzzle Brake Of A Gun
Our Customer are seeking to improve the efficiency of muzzle brake being designed by them....

Development Of Customized Software For Simulation Of Gas Turbine Compressor
The designs suffer from stall and surge problems and customer wanted to develop an automatic and re...

Parallelization Of Stealth Software For Full Aircraft Rcs Prediction
The aircraft needs to incorporate design-based stealth features such as optimized airframe shaping a...

Assessment Of Nose Shape And Taper On Aerodynamic Stability Of Missiles
Guided Missile missiles will travel at hypersonic speeds with interception range up to 5000 Km

Structural Analysis Of Artillery Shell During In-bore Travel
During in-bore travel, the shell is subjected to large amounts of loads typically due to axial accel...

Estimation Of Unsteady Pressure Field For Space Vehicle
Estimating unsteady pressure field exerted on the external surface of launch vehicle during its asce...

Custom Software For Generation Of Damping Characteristics Of Shock Absorbers
Our customer to develop new generation shock absorber with better damping characteristics....

Development Of Customized Pre-processing Module For Electron Beam Designer
The study and design of electron optics for various applications using simulation technology...
Flow Around Buildings Using Lattice Boltzmann Method On Gpu
The Lattice Boltzmann Method is a powerful technique for the computational modeling of a wide variet...

Estimation Of Heat Flux From Transformer Oil Pool Fire
Transformer Fire Analysis using the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) tool. The simulation setup was val...

Wind Loads Analysis Over Fabric Roof Shades Of A Commercial Building
The supporting structure for shade should be light weight while being able to sustain extreme wind l...

Re-circulation Analysis Of Dry Cooler Discharge Located In Narrow Alley
CFD study to evaluate the flow and temperature profile inside the alley based on dry cooler suction ...

Thermal And Magneto-hydrodynamic Analysis Of Thermo Nuclear Reactor Modules
CFD study to analyze the First Wall, Liquid Breeder (LLCB) and Solid Breeder (HCSB) of a TBM...

Selection & Design Consultation For 1 Mw Hydel Installation
Project where micro hydro turbine plant was to be designed,developed, manufactured, supplied, instal...

Design Of Low Base Tractor Trailer
CFD studies were performed to estimate the pressure drop and pressure losses occurring in different ...

Flow Induced Vibration Of Centrifugal Pump
CFD and FEA analysis to predict flow induced vibrations of the existing design and suggest design ch...

Performance Analysis Of Butterfly Valves And Non-return Valves
The project consists of high flow rate pumps along with the corresponding non slam check valves....

Sump Analysis Of Storm Water And Irrigation Pumping Stations
CFD studies were performed to estimate the pressure drop and pressure losses occurring in different ...

Optimization Of Tail Design For Naval Rocket For Deviation Correction
The rocket is roll stabilized and it is assumed that Coriolis force due to rotation and thrust misal...

Aerodynamic Analysis For Weaponization Of Aircraft
For design of deployment components, a series of aerodynamics governed data on combined aircraft-mis...

Design, Development And Fabrication Of Rocket Loader
Our Customer wanted a loader to be developed where the loading operation would be semi automatic and...

Shock Vibration And Motion Analysis Of Ship Structure During Missile Launch
During the launch of missile from the launcher on board the ship significant transient loads will pa...

Design And Development Of Test Rig For 125 Tph Composite Sea Water Pump
Design and Development project for Composite Sea Water Pump. Composite materials pump will lead to l...

Design For Hydrodynamics And Radar Cross Section Of Naval Vessel
The shipyard was given a task by the user to reduce the hydrodynamic drag from the ship hull and red...

Floatation Of Futuristic Infantry Combat Vehicle Using Sph
design and development of Futuristic Infantry Combat Vehicle (FICV)....

Customized Software For Structural Design Of Electromagnetic Rail Gun
A rail gun is an electrically powered launcher based on principles of electromagnetic forces to acce...

Design Optimization Of Muzzle Brake For 155 Mm Artillery Gun
To reduce force on the recoil system, it is desired that suitable muzzle brake (MB) be designed...

Certification Of Launcher And Missile For Safe Flight And Separation
The missile is mounted on the rails of the launcher. Due to presence of control surfaces, it is seen...

Aerodynamic Analysis Of A Guided Aerial Store
Our Customer are engaged in precision strike capabilities by design and development of GPS/INS guida...

Conceptual Design Of Ground Handling Equipment For Heavy Cargo Handling
Our Customer were involved in the indigenous design, development, and manufacturing of K-Loaders for...