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Custom Engineering Software


Custom Engineering Software

We deliver custom software for parametric analysis, design optimization and system studies. These software feature a GUI wrapper, a 3D render window and a physics engine that performs engineering calculations. Our team specializes in deriving governing equations & in implementing algorithms for their solution. Depending on usage & nature of calculations, we deliver the software as web, desktop or HPC cluster applications.

Our Offerings

  • Software on first principles of engineering
  • Software with customer-defined algorithms
  • APIs and modules for customer software
  • Upgradation of legacy software
  • GUI and documentation development

Technologies we work

  • C, C++, C#, CUDA GPU
  • Python, Java, React JS, Javascript, Excel programming
  • Qt, wxWidgets, OpenGL, WebGL
  • MATLAB, Simulink, OpenModellica
  • Web assembly, PHP, HTML5, AWS

All custom software development process begins with drafting a Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document. The document defines the features, user operation and performance of the software. Before implementation begins, it is important that all stakeholders have complete concurrence on the SRS. During implementation, Git, the most widely used version control application, is a critical tool. Git allow multiple team to contribute to the development process. It provides the flexibility in code branching, thus ensuring that the master code is always maintained at the production-quality level. Most software development process involves the development of an intuitive and interactive GUI. Qt is an open-source toolkit used to design and develop such GUIs. The toolkit has a cross-platform functionality.

Most of the physics based solvers are compute intensive owing to large memory requirement & complex numerical algorithms. For generating solution in a reason time, Zeus Numerix uses OpenMPI (based on the MPI standard) as the parallel processing library. For porting legacy solver codes for web execution, Zeus Numerix uses WebAssembly. WebAssembly provides a way to run code written in multiple languages on all modern browsers at near-native speeds. At the time of delivery, Zeus Numerix provides three types of licensing options for the custom software developed i.e. node locked perpetual, time based annual and dongle based.

Case Studies

Case Studies


Development of Customized Software for Simulation of Gas Turbine Compressor

The designs suffer from stall and surge problems and customer wanted to develop an automatic...

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Customized Analysis Software for Muzzle Brake of a Gun

Our Customer are seeking to improve the efficiency of muzzle brake being designed by them....

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